To go to Sabarimala by train, devotees have to get down at any one of the following stations (Ernakulam / Kottayam / Chengannur). Chengannur is very near to Pamapa around 83 Kms. Where as Ernakulam is far among these three stations from Pampa. So, Ayyappa devotees can book the advance reservation ticket to any one of the station, depending upon the berths/seat availability.
Trains from Bangalore to Ernakulam :
Train No.2677 Ernakulam Express runs daily from Bangalore to Ernakulam, departures at 6:15 and arrives at Ernakulam at 16:55.
Train No.6331 TRIVANDRUM EXPRESS runs only on Tuesday. The departure time is 10:30 and arrival schedule at Ernakulam is 23:35.
Train No.2684 Ernakulam Express is a biweekly train, leaves at 17:15 and reaches at 4:20.
Train No.0676 Bangalore Ernakulam Express runs once in a week (Tuesday). The schedule time of departure at Bangalore is 17:15 and the arriving time at Ernakulam is 4:20
Train No.6315 Kochuveli Express is a Tri-week train(Sun, Wed, Fri). The departure time is 17:15 and arriving time at Ernakulam is 4:50
Train No.6321 Trivandrum Express runs only on Thursday, the deparure timeat Bangalore is 18:50 and arrival time at Ernakulam is 6:30
Train No.2257 Kochuveli Garib rath is another tri-weekly train (Sun, Tues, Thurs). This train departs at 21:00 and arrives at 7:50
There is one more daily train from Bangalore and Ernakulam (Train no.6526 Island Express). This departs at 21:40 and arrives at Ernakulam at 10:00.
The train fares of all above trains are given below (approximately)
Sleeper: Rs.260
3AC : Rs.690
2AC : Rs.950
Trains from Bangalore to Kottayam: The train No. 2257, 6526 are the 2 trains from Bangalore to Kottayam. The details are mentioned above. The train fares of these trains are given below (appoximately)
Sleeper: Rs.270
3AC : Rs.735
2AC : Rs.1010
Sleeper: Rs.280
3AC : Rs.765
2AC : Rs.1050
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